Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 4
We would not know our need for the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ apart from God's law.

Lord's Day 4 explores the nature of humanity's sin and guilt. Having reflected last week on God's original creation and the fall of humankind, this week's questions speak to the reality of God's justice. Why does God still hold us accountable? And is His judgment fair?
Even as the catechism describes the supreme holiness of God and the seriousness of sin, God's mercy shines brightly – and this is for a logical reason. Only as our awareness of the justice of God and our guilt before Him grows may we see the beauty of His redemptive work in Christ more clearly. We would not know our need for the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ apart from God's law.
Let's review this week's questions and answers.
Question 9:
Is God, then, not unjust by requiring in His law what man cannot perform?
No, for God so created man that he could perform it;1 but man, through the instigation of the devil,2 by willful disobedience3 robbed himself and all his descendants of this power.
1Genesis 1:31; 2 Genesis 3:13; John 8:44; 1 Timothy 2:13-14; 3 Genesis 3:6; 4 Romans 5:12, 18-19
Question 10:
Will God allow such disobedience and apostasy to go unpunished?
By no means; but He is terribly displeased with our original sin as well as our actual sins, and will punish them in just judgment both now and eternally,1 as he has declared: Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them (Deuteronomy 27:26).
1 Exodus 34:7; Psalm 5:4-6, 7:10; Nahum 1:2; Romans 1:18, 5:12; Ephesians 5:6; Hebrews 9:27
Question 11:
Is then God not merciful?
God is indeed merciful,1 but He is also just;2 therefore His justice requires that sin, committed against the most high majesty of God, also be punished with extreme, that is, with everlasting punishment both of body and soul.3
1 Exodus 20:6, 34:6-7; Psalm 103:8-9; 2 Exodus 20:5, 34:7; Deuteronomy 7:9-11; Psalm 5:4-6; Hebrews 10:30-31;3 Matthew 25:45-46
This week, the catechism reminds us that God's justice and mercy are not opposed but work together harmoniously and perfectly. Though God's justice demands punishment for sin, His mercy provides a way of salvation through Christ. At the cross, we see the depth of God's justice and the height of His mercy.
A Closing Prayer
Merciful and Just God,
We acknowledge that we have fallen short of Your glory and that our sin deserves Your righteous judgment. Thank You for Your mercy, for providing a way of salvation in Jesus Christ. Help us take sin seriously, not as a heavy burden under which we despair, but as a reminder to seek and receive the greatness of Your grace.
Grant us hearts that long for holiness and trust fully in the sufficiency of Christ. Strengthen us to live lives that reflect Your justice, mercy, and love. As we go about this week, remind us of the cost of our redemption and our hope in You.
In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.
Daily Bible Readings
Here are two suggested Bible reading plans for 2025:
New Testament in a Year
January 26 – Matthew 17:1-13
January 27 – Matthew 17:14-27
January 28 – Matthew 18:1-14
January 29 – Matthew 18:15-35
January 30 – Matthew 19:1-15
January 31 – Matthew 19:16-30
February 1 – Matthew 20:1-16
The Bible in a Year
January 26 – Exodus 16-18; Matthew 17:1-13
January 27 – Exodus 19-21; Matthew 17:14-27
January 28 – Exodus 22-24; Matthew 18:1-14
January 29 – Exodus 25-27; Matthew 18:15-35
January 30 – Exodus 28-29; Matthew 19:1-15
January 31 – Exodus 30-32; Matthew 19:16-30
February 1 – Exodus 33-35; Matthew 20:1-16