Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 5
Lord’s Day 5 turns our gaze toward the answer—the necessity of a Mediator, a Savior who can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Having seen the weight of God’s justice in Lord’s Day 4, the natural question arises: Is there any way to escape? If we are guilty before a holy God, deserving of His righteous judgment, how can we possibly be saved? Lord’s Day 5 turns our gaze toward the answer—the necessity of a Mediator, a Savior who can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.
This transition in the catechism is significant. Up to this point, we have faced the reality of our sin, our inability to fulfill God’s law, and the certainty of judgment. Now, the tone begins to shift—not away from the seriousness of sin, but toward the hope of deliverance. If we are to be reconciled to God, there must be a way of salvation that satisfies both His justice and His mercy. That way is Christ.
Let’s reflect on this week’s questions and answers.
Question 12
Since then, by the righteous judgment of God, we deserve temporal and eternal punishment, how can we escape this punishment and be again received into favor?
God demands that His justice be satisfied,1 therefore we must make full satisfaction, either by ourselves or by another.2
1 Ex 20:5, 23:7; Rom 2:1-11; 2 Isa 53:11; Rom 8:3-4
Question 13
Can we ourselves make this satisfaction?
By no means, on the contrary, we daily increase our guilt.1
1 Ps 130:3; Mt 6:12; Rom 2:4-5
Question 14
Can any mere creature make satisfaction for us?
No. First, God will not punish another creature for the sin which man has committed;1 and further, no mere creature can sustain the burden of God’s eternal wrath against sin, and redeem others from it.2
1 Ezek 18:4, 20; Heb 2:14-18; 2 Ps 130:3; Nah 1:6
Question 15
What kind of mediator and redeemer then must we seek?
One who is a true1 and sinless man,2 and yet more powerful than all creatures, that is, one who is at the same time true God.3
1 1 Cor 15:21; Heb 2:17; 2 Isa 53:9; 2 Cor 5:21; Heb 7:26; 3 Isa 7:14, 9:6; Jer 23:6; Jn 1:1; Rom 8:3-4
This week, we see that we cannot save ourselves, nor can any mere creature stand in our place. Only a Mediator who is both truly human and truly divine can bear the weight of our sin and fully satisfy God’s justice. The catechism leaves us with a longing—Who is this Mediator? Next week, we will see that He is none other than Jesus Christ.
A Closing Prayer
Merciful and Righteous Lord,
We acknowledge our sin and our inability to save ourselves. Your justice is perfect, and we cannot stand before You on our own. Thank You for providing a Mediator, a Deliverer who can do what we never could. Stir our hearts to trust fully in Him, to rest in His work, and to rejoice in the salvation You have provided.
As we go through this week, let us be ever mindful of our great need for Christ, and may we live in gratitude for the grace You have shown us in Him.
In His name, we pray, Amen.
Daily Bible Readings
Here are two suggested Bible reading plans for 2025:
New Testament in a Year
February 2 – Matthew 20:17-34
February 3 – Matthew 21:1-17
February 4 – Matthew 21:18-32
February 5 – Matthew 21:33-46
February 6 – Matthew 22:1-22
February 7 – Matthew 22:23-46
February 8 – Matthew 23:1-12
The Bible in a Year
February 2 – Exodus 36-38; Matthew 20:17-34
February 3 – Exodus 39-40; Matthew 21:1-17
February 4 – Leviticus 1-3; Matthew 21:18-32
February 5 – Leviticus 4-6; Matthew 21:33-46
February 6 – Leviticus 7-9; Matthew 22:1-22
February 7 – Leviticus 10-12; Matthew 22:23-46
February 8 – Leviticus 13-14; Matthew 23:1-12