Sermon Summary: NEXT, Part 4: Missions
This is not just a suggestion. It is a command—a joyful, sacrificial, and life-altering call to join with God in His global work.

Some visions are too big for one church, one generation, or one lifetime. But when God calls, He also provides.
At First Free Church, we believe that the gospel is for all people, in all places, at all times. It’s not just a message to be preserved—it’s a mission to be proclaimed. Jesus’ final words before His ascension still ring with urgency today:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19)
This is not just a suggestion. It is a command—a joyful, sacrificial, and life-altering call to join with God in His global work.
As part of our NEXT Vision, over the next 10 years, we are committed to establishing and strengthening church-planting partnerships in Africa, Europe, Latin America, and Native America, while continuing to support the mission in Asia and North America. Our desire is not simply to fund missions but to build lasting, relational partnerships—to know, pray for, and walk alongside those bringing the hope of Christ to unreached and under-reached people groups.
Why This Global Vision Matters
So why this vision? And how do we plan to make it a reality?
Faithfulness to the Great Commission
Jesus didn’t just send His disciples to their neighborhoods—He sent them to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). The mission was clear: to take the gospel to every tribe, tongue, and nation (Revelation 7:9).
Some of us are called to go. Some are called to send. But all of us are called to participate.
By expanding our global partnerships, we are actively obeying Jesus’ command—not as an afterthought, but as a central expression of our church’s identity.
Reaching the Unreached
The gospel has taken root in many places, but some regions are either post-Christian or still waiting to hear the name of Jesus.
Our mission focus is intentional: we want to go where the gospel is needed most.
Supporting Global Pastors
Church planting isn’t just about starting new churches—it’s about raising up faithful leaders who can shepherd God’s people for generations to come.
By equipping and encouraging indigenous pastors, we help build strong, biblically grounded churches that can multiply and flourish long after our involvement.
Building Genuine, Relational Partnerships
This is not just about writing checks. The early church modeled partnership in the gospel—praying for, visiting, and encouraging one another in the work (Philippians 1:3-5).
We want to know our mission partners personally.
We want to pray for them by name.
We want our church family to feel connected to the work God is doing around the world.
This is not just missions giving—it’s missions living.
How We Will Pursue This Vision
We embrace several scriptural and Spirit-led ways to pursue this vision together.
Prayerful Discernment
Every step of this process will be saturated in prayer. We don’t want to rush ahead of God’s leading, but we also don’t want to sit on the sidelines when He calls us to act.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God.” (James 1:5)
We will seek His guidance as we identify regions, select partners, and sustain these relationships for the long haul.
A Prayerful and Strategic Selection Process
Not every opportunity is the right opportunity. We want to ensure that every partnership represents the leading of God's Spirit and aligns with our mission philosophy.
Some key criteria include:
- Biblical Alignment – Do they share our commitment to gospel-centered, disciple-making ministry?
- Relational Connection – Do they have ties to our congregation, the EFCA, or our regional district? Is there possibility for genuine and vibrant relationship?
- Geographic Need – Are they serving in areas where the gospel is under-represented?
- Accountability – Do they have clear oversight and financial integrity?
We want to invest where our presence will make a difference.
Gradual Expansion over the NEXT Ten Years
This vision isn’t about going big fast. It’s about building well and building wisely.
A realistic but aggressive timeline allows us to prayerfully and wisely steward resources while maximizing impact.
Investing in Global Pastors
Throughout this process, we will actively equip and encourage the next generation of pastors by:
- Supporting theological training programs
- Providing resources for indigenous church leaders
- Partnering with mission efforts focused on pastoral development
Healthy churches need healthy leaders. By strengthening global pastors, we strengthen global churches.
Building Lasting Relationships
Mission partners should not be names on a list—they should be part of our church family.
To foster deeper relationships, we will:
- Regularly communicate through updates, prayer requests, and video calls.
- Invite partners to visit and share their work with our congregation.
- Encourage short-term trips so our members can see the mission firsthand.
We want our church to feel connected—not just financially, but spiritually and relationally.
Stewarding Resources with Integrity
As we step into this vision, we commit to wise stewardship of God’s resources.
We will only partner with organizations that demonstrate:
- Doctrinal Accountability – Alignment with the EFCA or a like-minded evangelical organization.
- Financial Integrity – Clear oversight through groups like the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).
Every dollar given will be prayerfully and transparently stewarded for the sake of the gospel.
Looking to the Future with Faith
This vision is bold.
It’s bigger than us.
But we serve a God who is able to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)
In the next ten years, we believe God will use First Free Church to play a small but significant role in His grand plan of redemption. People will hear the gospel. Disciples will be made. Churches will be planted.
And we will stand before the throne of God one day and see the fruit of His grace in and through our obedience.
So let’s step forward in faith.
Let’s step forward in prayer.
Let’s step forward in expectation.
Because the mission is still unfinished.
An Invitation
And the invitation still stands:
Come. Go. Give. Pray. Make disciples.
For the glory of God and the good of the nations.
Are you ready to be part of this vision?